
当前位置: 学院首页 > 师资队伍 > 生育健康研究所 > 王琳琳 > 正文




  • 研究员、博士生导师
  • linlinwang@bjmu.edu.cn
  • 北京市海淀区学院路38号
  • 澳门新葡澳京7906









北京营养学会理事; 注册营养师








1. 国家社科基金重大项目,人口老龄化背景下的发育性残疾预防策略与应用研究21&ZD187,2022-2024,子课题负责人

2. 国家重点研发计划,重大出生缺陷致病性突变的系统识别2021YFC2701101,2022-2024,项目骨干

3. 国家自然科学基金,胎儿中枢神经组织体细胞突变与神经管缺陷的关系研究,2018-2021,项目负责人

4. 横向课题,基于出生队列的母乳成分研究,2019-2023,项目负责人

5. 国家重点研发计划,环境因素导致重要器官发育异常的关键环节,2016-2021,学术骨干

6. 国家自然科学基金,PCP通路相关基因罕见变异及异常甲基化与胎儿无脑畸形的关联研究,2015-2018,项目负责人

7. 国家自然科学青年基金,孕期母体胎盘及血叶酸受体抗体与胎儿神经管缺陷发生风险的相关性研究,2013-2015,项目负责人

8. 北京市自然科学基金,同源盒基因异常甲基化在神经管缺陷发生过程中的作用及机制研究,2016-2018,项目负责人

9. 教育部博士点基金,孕期母体及胎儿血浆叶酸受体自身抗体与体内叶酸水平的关联性研究,2011-2013,项目负责人



1. Tian T, Cao X, Chen Y, Jin L, Li Z, Han X, Lin Y, Wlodarczyk BJ, Finnell RH, Yuan Z, Wang LL, Ren A, Lei Y. Somatic and de novo Germline Variants of MEDs in Human Neural Tube Defects. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021;9:463.

2. Yang W., Ni W., Jin L., Liu J., Li Z., Wang LL. and Ren A. Determination of organochlorine pesticides in human umbilical cord and association with orofacial clefts in offspring. Chemosphere. 2020;266:129188.

3. Yang W., Guo Y., Ni W., Tian T., Jin L., Liu J., Li Z., Ren A. and Wang LL. Hypermethylation of WNT3A gene and non-syndromic cleft lip and/or palate in association with in utero exposure to lead: A mediation analysis. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2020;208:111415.

4. Tian T., Lei Y., Chen Y., Karki M., Jin L., Finnell R. H., Wang LL. and Ren A. Somatic mutations in planar cell polarity genes in neural tissue from human fetuses with neural tube defects. Hum Genet. 2020;139:1299-1314.

5. Huang Y., Lin S., Wang C., Pi X., Jin L., Li Z., Wang LL. and Ren A. Neural Tube Defects and ZIC4 Hypomethylation in Relation to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2020;8:582661.

6. Guo Y. N., Liu L. J., Ni W. L., Pan Y. Q., Chen Y. Y., Xie Q., Liu Y. Q., Jin L., Li Z. W., Ren A. G. and Wang LL. L. Uranium concentration in umbilical cord may increase the risk for orofacial clefts. Environ Res. 2020;182:109103.

7. Chen Y., Liu L., Ni W., Jin L., Li Z., Ren A. and Wang LL. Association between selected alkaline earth elements concentrations in umbilical cord and risk for cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Sci Total Environ. 2020;750:141735.

8. Ni W., Yang W., Yu J., Li Z., Jin L., Liu J., Zhang Y., Wang LL. and Ren A. Association between selected essential trace element concentrations in umbilical cord and risk for cleft lip with or without cleft palate: A case-control study. Sci Total Environ. 2019;661:196-202.

9. Ni W., Yang W., Jin L., Liu J., Li Z., Wang B., Wang LL. and Ren A. Levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in umbilical cord and risk of orofacial clefts. Sci Total Environ. 2019;678:123-132.

10. Lin S., Ren A., Wang LL., Santos C., Huang Y., Jin L., Li Z. and Greene N. D. E. Aberrant methylation of Pax3 gene and neural tube defects in association with exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Clin Epigenetics. 2019;11:13.