1. 国家自然科学基金:生命历程体重变化和Kisspeptin系统基因对青春期启动影响的队列研究(81903344)
2. 北京市优秀人才培养资助项目
3. 共青团中央重点课题:基于危害分析与关键点控制体系的儿童青少年近视防控机制研究(19ZD049)
4. 中国疾病预防控制中心:公共卫生标准研究制定
5. 北医引进人才计划与启动项目:不同青春发动期儿童血糖水平及其影响因素的队列研究 (BMU2017YJ002)
1. Dong B, Zou Z, Song Y, et al. Adolescent Health and Healthy China 2030: A Review. J Adolesc Health 2020;67 (5S): S24-S31.
2. Li Y, Gao D, Yang Z, Ma Y, Chen M, Ma J, Dong Y, Dong B. Parental Adherence to Ideal Cardiovascular Health Status Was Associated With a Substantially Lower Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Their Offspring Aged 6–18 Years. Front Nutr 2021;8: 715171.
3. Wang X, Dong B, Ma J, et al. Role of tri-ponderal mass index in cardio-metabolic risk assessment in children and adolescents: compared with body mass index. Int J Obes (Lond) 2020;44 (4): 886-94.
4. Dong B, Dong Y H, Yang Z G, et al. Healthy Body Weight may Modify Effect of Abnormal Birth Weight on Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents. Obesity 2019. 27 (3): 462-469.
5. Dong B, Zou Z, Song Y, et al. Adolescent health and Healthy China 2030: a cross-sectional study. Lancet 2018. 392: S63.
6. Yang Y, Dong B, Zou Z, et al. Association between Vegetable Consumption and Blood Pressure, Stratified by BMI, among Chinese Adolescents Aged 13-17 Years: A National Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients 2018;10 (4): 451.
7. Dong B, Arnold LW, Peng Y, et al. Ethnic differences in cardiometabolic risk among adolescents across the waist–height ratio spectrum: National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES). Int J Cardiol 2016; 222:622-628.
8. Dong B, Wang Z, Wang HJ, et al. Improving Hypertension Screening in Childhood Using Modified Blood Pressure to Height Ratio. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2016; 18:557-664.
9. Dong B, Wang Z, Arnold L, et al. The association between blood pressure and grip strength in adolescents: does body mass index matter? Hypertens Res 2016; 39(12): 919-925.
10. Dong B, Wang Z, Song Y, et al. Understanding trends in blood pressure and their associations with body mass index in Chinese children, from 1985 to 2010: a cross-sectional observational study. BMJ Open 2015; 5:e009050.