1. 国家重点研发计划(2017.1-2021.12),批准号 2016YFC0207705,污染与宏观经济、人口健康的计量分析,负责 43 万元,参与
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (2016.1-2020.12),批准号 71532001,大数据驱动的管理决策模型与算法,负责 32 万,参与
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2015.01-2018.12),批准号 11471022,基于高通量测序数据研究基因组变异的统计问题,60 万,主持
4. 国家科技部 973 项目(2015.01-2019.12),批准号 2015CB856000,非结构数据的统计学习:数学基础及算法,负责 58 万元,参与
5. 2013 年澳门新葡澳京7906-微软联合实验室基金,高维数据的非线性降维,3 万元,主持
6. 澳门新葡澳京7906 985 经费(2013.01-2015.12),癌基因组数据的统计分析,30 万元,主持
1.Xia,Y., Liu, Y., Deng, M.and Xi, R.* (2018+) Detecting virus integration sites based on multiple related sequencing data by VirTect, BMC Medical Genomics,Accepted.
2.Xia, Y., Liu, Y., Deng, M.and Xi, R.* (2017) SVmine improves structural variation detection by integrative mining of predictions from multiple algorithms, Bioinformatics, 1;33(21):3348-3354.
3.Yuan, H.Xi, R.*, Chen, C.and Deng, M.* (2017) Differential network analysis via lasso penalized D-trace loss, Biometrika, 104 (4):755-770.
4.Xia, Y., Liu Y., Deng, M.and Xi, R.* (2017) Pysim-sv: a package for
simulating structural variation data with GC-biases, BCM Bioinformatics,18(Suppl 3):53.
5.Xi, R.*, Lee, S., Xia, Y., Kim, T.and Park, P.* (2016) Copy number analysis of whole-genome data using BIC-seq2 and its application to detection of cancer susceptibility variants, Nucleic Acids Research, 44(13): 6274-86.
6.Xi, R.*, Li, Y.and Hu, Y.(2015) Bayesian quantile regression based on the empirical likelihood with spike and slab priors, Bayesian Analysis,11(3):821-855.
7.Xi, R.and Lin, N.* (2015) Direct regression modelling of high-order moments in big data, Statistics and Its Interface, 9(4):445-452.
8.Yang, L., Luquette, L.J., Gehlenborg, N., Xi, R., Haseley, P.S., Hsieh, C.H.,Zhang, C., Ren, X., Protopopov, A., Chin, L., Kucherlapati, R., Lee, C.and Park P.J.* (2013) Diverse mechanisms of somatic structural variations in human cancer genomes, Cell, 153(4):919-929.
9.Xi, R., Lin, N., Chen, Y.* and Kim, Y.(2012) Compression and aggregation of Bayesian estimates for data intensive computing, Knowledge and Information Systems, 33(1):191-212.
10.Xi, R., Hadjipanayis, A.G., Luquette, L.J., Kim, T.M., Lee, E., Zhang, J.H.,Johnson, M.D., Muzny, D.M., Wheeler, D.A., Kucherlapati, R., and Park, P.* (2011) Copy number alteration detection in sequencing data using the Bayesian information criterion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,108(46):E1128-1136.