Health Economics, Health Policy, Applied Econometrics
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, A study on online patient choice in the context of Healthy China Initiative: evidence from large online medical platforms (2022-2024)
2. Ministry of Education of China, The impact of medical alliances on health expenditures and health status and its mechanisms (2021-2023)
3. Beijing Municipal Social Science Foundation, A study on avoidable hospitalization in Beijing (2020-2022)
4. National Health Security Administration, Regulation on telemedicine industry in China (2021-2022)
5. Research Office of the State Council of China, Development Policy of Telemedicine Industry in China, (2019-2020)
1. Chen, Q.#, Xu, D.#, Fu, H.*, Yip, W. (2022). Distance effects and home bias in patient choice on the Internet: Evidence from an online healthcare platform in China, China Economic Review, 72, 101757
2. Lai, Y., Fu, H.*, Li, L., Yip, W. (2022). Hospital response to a case-based payment scheme under regional global budget: the case of Guangzhou in China, Social Science & Medicine, 292, 114601
3. Zhu, Y., Li, Y., Wu, M., Fu, H.* (2022). How do Chinese people perceive their healthcare system? Trends and determinants of public satisfaction and perceived fairness, 2006–2019, BMC Health Service Research, 22, 22;
4. Zhang, G., Zhan, J., Fu, H.* (2022). Trends in smoking prevalence and intensity between 2010 and 2018: implications for tobacco control in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(2), 670;
5. Song, Z.#, Zhu, Y.#, Zou, H., Fu, H*., Yip, W. (2020). A tale of transition: trends of catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment in urban China, 1986-2009. Health Systems & Reform, 6 (1), e1836731
6. Ta, Y.#, Zhu, Y.#, Fu, H*. (2020). Trends in access to health services, financial protection and satisfaction between 2010 and 2016: Has China achieved the goals of its health system reform? Social Science & Medicine, 245, 112715
7. Yip, W.*, Fu, H.* (2019). “Public Hospital Reforms in China: Progress and Challenges”. in Health Care System Reform and Policy Research in China, Winnie Yip (eds.), December 2019, World Scientific, 261-280
8. Fu, H.*, Li, L., Yip, W. (2018). Intended and unintended impacts of price changes for drugs and medical services: Evidence from China. Social Science & Medicine, 211, 114-122.
9. Fu, H.*, Li, L., Li, M., Yang, C., Hsiao, W. (2017). An evaluation of systemic reforms of public hospitals: the Sanming model in China. Health Policy and Planning, 32(8), 1135-1145
10. Li, L., Fu, H.* (2017). China's health care system reform: Progress and prospects. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 32(3), 240-253