1. 2005-2007 小样本统计推断及其在生存分析与可靠性中的应用 基金委
2. 2003-2006 国家重大研究计划重点课题:高脂学症及动脉粥样硬化痰瘀证候的蛋白组学研究 基金委
3. 2003-2003 多道γ能谱数据之间的相关性及方差分析 西北核技术研究所
4. 2002-2003 运载火箭可靠性安全性评估系统 航天科技集团公司一院
5. 1999-2003 生存分析与可靠性的若干前沿问题 基金委
1. A procedure for complete fault detection with a removal process, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 117(2003), 1-14, Xiangzhong Fang, Ray Watson, Wang Yan and Paul S. F. Yip
2. Sequential Procedure For Fixed Accuracy Estimation of the Population Size in Recapture Sampling, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics , 45(2003), 207-216, Paul S.F. Yip, Xiangzhong Fang, Yong Zhou and Yan Wang
3. EM算法在假设检验中的应用,《中国科学》A辑 , 33(2003), 180-184. 房祥忠,陈家鼎.
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5. Biomarker Identification by Feature Wrappers, Genome Research, 11(2001), 1878–1887. Momiao Xiong, Xiangzhong Fang, and Jinying Zhao.
6. Estimation of Population Size Based on Additive Hazards models for Continuous-Time Recapture Experiments, Biometric, 55(3),1999,184-188.Yip,P.S.F., Zhou,Y, Lin,DY, Fang,XY.
7. Convergence rate of MLE for Weibull processes,应用概率统计. 10(1994),314-319.
8. Law of iterated logarithms of MLE for Non-homogeneous Poisson processes.澳门新葡澳京7906学报, 34(1998), 563-573.
9. The sequential tests for success ratio and the confidence limits of success ratio after testing, 应用概率统计. 13(1997),367-374。陈家鼎,戴中维,高惠璇,房祥忠.
10.Identification of genetic networks,Genetics, 166 (2004, Febreary), 1037-1052, Xiong, Momiao, Jun Li and Xiangzhong Fang